Ice Removal and Prevention in Greenwood Village, CO
Commercial Deicing Services in Greenwood Village Without Damaging the Environment
Kona strives to keep the waterways, animals, and plant life free of any harmful
chemicals commonly used for ice control. We pride ourselves on using eco-friendly
solutions to keep your entrances and walkways ice hazard free. We focus on using
sodium chloride and calcium chloride, which do not have lasting negative effects
on Greenwood Village’s environment. Call now to see how Kona can get rid of the
ice and keep it under control regardless of what the winter months throw at your
business this year!
How Sodium Chloride is Used as a Deicing Solution in Greenwood Village
Our deicing specialists spread sodium chloride, commonly known as rock salt, around
your entrances, sidewalks and walkways to melt the ice away and prevent any new sheets
from forming. Rock salt is most commonly used when temperatures are at 15 degrees or
higher, but can also be effective down to negative nine degrees. It works by lowering
the freezing temperature of water to below 32 degrees allowing the ice to dissipate.
Sodium chloride is used all across Colorado as an ice control solution.
Choosing Calcium Chloride for Ice Removal in Greenwood Village
Temperatures can drop to extremes quickly and without warning during Colorado’s winters.
Calcium chloride, an inorganic salt, is effective down to negative 25 degrees for ice control.
While it is more expensive than rock salt, we know that keeping your property safe from
dangerous ice sheets is worth it! Just like rock salt, calcium chloride comes in small
millimeter sized spheres that lowers the freezing temperature of H2O to melt away
ice and prevent refreezing.